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Articles > Turtle in art, culture, and mythology
Turtle in art, culture, and mythology

Turtles have been revered and symbolized in various ways across different cultures and periods. They are often associated with longevity, stability, determination, and the primal essence of the Earth due to their slow pace, sturdy shell, and ancient lineage. Here's a look at the presence of turtles in art and culture:

Turtles, with their calm presence, protective shells, and connection to ancient myths, have long inspired a sense of wonder and reverence in humans. Their varied representations in art and culture reflect their multifaceted significance in the human psyche.

Some of the turtle art products
Wooden turtle
Wooden turtle (ecgf)
Turtle of jade stone
Turtle of jade stone (ecmp)
Tagua nut carved turtle
Tagua nut carved turtle (echm13)
heart jewelry