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Articles > Sun and moon art and culture of Inca
Sun and moon art and culture of Inca

The Inca civilization, which flourished in the Andean region of South America, had a profound reverence for celestial bodies, and the Sun and Moon were among the most venerated entities in their cosmology. Both played pivotal roles in their religious beliefs, societal organization, and rituals.

In conclusion, the Sun and Moon were not just celestial entities for the Incas but were central to their understanding of the cosmos, life, and society. Their movements and phases governed festivals, rituals, and daily activities, showcasing the profound connection the Incas felt with the heavens.

Some of the sun and moon art products
Sun in eclipse
Sun in eclipse (ecnh)
Sun and moon wall decor
Sun and moon wall decor (ecyl)
Sun and moon
Sun and moon (ecyp01)
heart jewelry