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Articles > Celebrating Iguanas: Their Role in Ecuadorian Art and Culture
Celebrating Iguanas: Their Role in Ecuadorian Art and Culture

Iguanas, especially the green iguana, hold a unique place in the ecology, art, and culture of many countries, including Ecuador. Here's a brief overview of their significance in Ecuadorian art and culture:

1. Ecological Significance:

2. Symbolism in Art and Mythology:

3. Folklore and Traditions:

4. Cultural and Economic Aspects:

5. Conservation:

In conclusion, iguanas are more than just reptiles in Ecuador. They are a blend of art, culture, and nature. Their presence in Ecuadorian art and folklore serves as a testament to the country's rich biodiversity and the deep cultural ties that bind its people to the environment.

Some of the Iguanas art products
Green iguana
Green iguana (ecao)
Iguana and toucan
Iguana and toucan (ectv)
heart jewelry